Land Acknowledgment

The Northern Regional Health Authority  acknowledges that we are situated on Treaty 5, 6, and 10 Territory and that Manitoba is located on the traditional and ancestral lands of the Anishinaabeg, Anishininew, Denesuline, Nehethowuk, Ininiwak, Nêhiyawak Nations. We acknowledge that Manitoba is situated on the homeland of the Red River Métis. We respect waters, land, histories, language and cultures of First Nations, Métis and Inuit whose presence enriches Canadian society.

We respect and acknowledge that we are all connected through the Spirit and Intent of Treaties and Treaty Making and remain committed to working in collaboration and partnership that will encompass equity, justice, truth and reconciliation. The term “Indigenous” means First Nations, Métis, and Inuit inclusively. We acknowledge the unique status of Indigenous Peoples in Manitoba and Canada.

About Us

The Northern Regional Health Authority (Northern Health Region) was created in May 2012 through the amalgamation of the former NOR-MAN and the Burntwood Regional Health Authorities. The Northern Health Region (NHR) is geographically the largest of the five RHAs in the province of Manitoba. Within the Region there are:

  • 2 cities (Thompson and Flin Flon)
  • 6 towns (The Pas, Gillam, Grand Rapids, Leaf Rapids, Lynn Lake, Snow Lake)
  • 1 RM (Kelsey)
  • 1 LGD (Mystery Lake)
  • Multiple hamlets and cottage settlements making up “unorganized territories”
  • 26 First Nations communities
  • 16 Northern Affairs Communities

The Northern Health Region has a population of 74,175 people spread over 396,000 km², resulting in a population density of 0.18 persons per km² compared to 2.19 persons per km² for the entire province of Manitoba. Out of this population total 72.6% self-identify as Indigenous, and over half the population live on reserve. The Region has a young population, which is projected to expand by 12.7% from 2017 to 2030. The greatest percentage of population for the NHR is in the 0-24 year age group. We will see the most growth in the 35-44 year age group and the 65-74 year age group. 

Regional Offices

The Region maintains offices in each of the three major centres within the Region. 

The Regional offices are located at:

Flin Flon

84 Church Street, Flin Flon MB R8A 1L8
Phone: (204) 687-1300
Tollfree: 1-(888) 340-6742

The Pas

163 Edwards Ave, The Pas MB R9A 1K2
Phone: (204) 627-6800
Toll free: 1-(888) 340-6742


867 Thompson Drive South, Thompson MB R8N 1Z4
Phone: (204) 677-5350
Toll free: 1-(888) 340-6742