Foundations and Health Auxilliaries
There are presently two foundations and four auxiliaries operating in the Northern Health Region. Each has their own Board of Directors and is governed by their Bylaws and Policies. Those Bylaws, are in turn, approved by the Northern Health Region’s Board of Directors.
If you are interested in more information or would like to join one of the Foundations or Health Auxilliaries in the Northern Health Region, please contact the applicable representative as listed below.
The Northern Health Foundation Inc. is a public foundation formed to fundraiser for major capital projects of the Northern Health Region.
The Pas Health Complex Foundation Inc.
Contact: [email protected]
Flin Flon Health Auxiliary
Contact: Betty Fehr, President
Telephone: (H) 204-687-7336
(C) 204-271-2667
Email: [email protected]
Contact: Tana Kluba, Secretary
Telephone: (H) 204-687-7716
(C) 204-271-1646
Email: [email protected]
Snow Lake Health Auxiliary
Contact: Judy Steeves, President
Telephone: (204) 358-2472
The Pas Health Auxiliary
Contact: Judy Lagimodiere, President
Telephone: (204) 620-0095
Email: [email protected]
Thompson Health Auxiliary
Contact: Wendy Lucas, Chair
Telephone: (204) 677-2717
Email: [email protected]