Vision: That people on the Autism Spectrum have full, happy, and healthy lives. Mission: Advocate for and support individuals on the Autism Spectrum, their...
The NHR is pleased to announce the full opening of the Community Care Clinic at Thompson General Hospital, effective March 24, 2024. The Community...
TB is caused by bacteria and it most often affects the lungs. TB is spread through the air when people cough, sneeze or spit....
Approaching Child & Teen Health 101 Session is an opportunity for parents to discuss with the Public Health Nurse strategies on speaking with children...
Immunization is the best way to protect yourself, your children and your community. If you have measles, you should stay at home and away...
Walk-in COVID-19 Spring Booster Clinic. March 28th, 2024. For additional information call the Leaf Rapids Health Centre @ 204-473-2441.
Walk-in Covid-19 Spring Booster Clinic. March 27th, 2024. For additional information call the Lynn Lake Health Centre @ 204-356-2454.
The teachings of our Elders tell us that Spring Equinox is the understanding of balance. A teaching of the natural world of which we...
Topic: The Spring Equinox Teachings When: Wednesday, March 20, 2024 from 12 – 1 p.m. Where: Microsoft Teams Click HERE to Join the Session...
Connecting to Our Culture – March 13, 2024 My connection to family and ceremony is a huge part of who I am. Knowing...