CancerCare Manitoba – Underserved Populations Program, First Nations Webinar Series

An upcoming webinar on Tuesday, April 23 from CancerCare Manitoba is a part of the Underserved Populations Program, First Nations Webinar Series.
Please feel free to share widely – and we welcome clinicians sharing the webinar with their patients and networks. Please see the poster attached, and I will include a description of the event below too that can be shared. Thank you so much for your support!


CancerCare Manitoba will be hosting a free, live webinar on Tuesday, April 23 @ 1:30 – 3:00pm. The webinar is titled “Caring for the Caregivers” and will feature Donna Head, Indigenous Health Coordinator in the Northern Regional Health Authority, and will share information on caring for caregivers. Miriam Duff, a CancerCare Manitoba Psychosocial Oncology Clinician, will offer resources from CancerCare Manitoba to support caregivers. This webinar is appropriate for a general/public audience. Attendees will also have time to ask questions during a Q&A period.


Please register for this webinar by following the link in the poster/banner, or following this link: Webinar Registration – Zoom

FN Session Poster_Caring for Caregivers