Name (required)
Mailing Address
Phone Numbers
Email (required)
Preferred Contact Method Home PhoneWork PhoneCell PhoneEmail
What community do you belong to? (i.e. Gillam)
How long have you lived in that community?
Gender: MaleFemaleOther
Age Category: Under 1818-2425-3940-5455-7071+
What languages do you speak? EnglishFrenchOther
[group languages-other][/group]
Diversity is important to us. Are you a member of either of these groups? IndigenousVisible minorityPerson with a disability
What is your primary employment status? Employed Full-TimeEmployed Part-TimeRetiredCaregiverStudentUnemployed
Please describe your work experience? (paid, unpaid or volunteer)
Tell us about why you want to join a LHIG?
Are there any particular health system topics you would like to see discussed by the LHIG?
Tell us about any groups or team projects you have been a part of?
What is your primary employment status? NewspaperRadioManitoba.caBrochureWord of mouthNorthernhealthregion.caOther
[group hearabout-other][/group]