Self and Family Managed Care

Self Managed Care enables clients with long term, chronic and stable care needs to accept full responsibility for their personal care as Self Managers. Individuals who choose this option rather than receiving their services through traditional Home Care Services are  responsible for coordinating, managing, and directing the unregulated health care services they need to remain living at home and in the community

Family Managed Care enables clients with stable,  chronic care needs to designate a family member to assume full responsibility for coordinating, managing, and directing the unregulated health services they need to remain at home.

For complete details about managed care, please contact the following Continuing Care offices located in the Northern Health Region:

Flin Flon & Area:

Phone; 204-687-4870
Toll Free—1-888-340-6742
Fax: – 204-687-7143

The Pas & Area:

Phone: 204-623-9650
Toll Free—1-888-340-6742
Fax: 204-627-8285

Thompson & Area:

Phone: 204-677-5350
Toll Free—1-888-340-6742
Fax: 204-778-1571