TP-2024-561 Registered Nurse RNII

    Are you currently an employee of the Northern Health Region? (required)

    Are you currently working with the NRHA under a work permit?

    Are you currently working with the NRHA under an accommodation?

    Have you previously worked for the NRHA? (required)

    Are you legally entitled to work in Canada? (required)

    Representative Workforce Employment Identification

    The Northern Health Region is committed to a Representative Workforce that is reflective of the citizens we serve and offers fair and equal access to employment opportunities. You are encouraged to identify your status in relation to these four designated groups:
    INDIGENOUS PEOPLE (Persons of North American Indigenous ancestry including First Nations, Status Indians, Non-Status Indians, and Métis)
    PERSONS WITH DISABILITIES (Persons who have a long-term or recurring impairment and:
    - Whose functional limitations owing to their impairment have been accommodated in their job or workplace and/or;
    - Believe an employer or potential employer is likely to consider them to be disadvantaged in employment by reasons of that impairment or;
    - Consider themselves to be disadvantaged in employment by reasons of that impairment.)

    VISIBLE MINORITIES (Persons other than Indigenous people, who because of their ethnicity or colour, are a visible minority)

    Department: Emergency