Listed below are external mental health resources, accessed via websites and by telephone.
Website Resources
- Anxiety Canada – Anxiety Canada has a number of free digital resources based on Cognitive Behavioral Therapy (CBT) that teach people about anxiety and how to cope during challenging times
- Anxiety Disorders Association of Manitoba Peer Support – The association offers sessions to assist with better understanding of anxiety, discuss signs and symptoms and how to cope
- Canadian Centre for Addiction & Mental Health (CAMH)
- MindShift CBT – This is a free anxiety management app to help you relax, be mindful, develop your thinking and determine active steps. This app has a number of tools and a symptom checker to help rate your current anxiety level and steps to get you through difficult episodes or situations.
- Wellness Together Canada – This site provides free and immediate resources for mental health and substance use support for people of all ages.
Telephone Resources
If you would like to reach out for help by phone, please choose from the following:
- 24/7 Crisis Line: (204) 786-8686, or toll-free at 1-888-322-3019
- 24/7 Manitoba Suicide Prevention and Support Line: Toll-free at 1-877-435-7170
- 24/7 Sexual Assault Crisis Line: (204) 786-8631 or Toll-free at 1-888-292-7565
- Manitoba Farm, Rural & Northern Support Services Line: Toll-free at 1-866-367-3276
- Seniors Abuse Support Line: Toll-free at 1-888-896-7183
- Gambling Helpline: Toll-free at 1-800-463-1554
- WCB Distress Line: (204) 786-8175, or toll-free at 1-800-719-3809
- Counselling Intake Line/ Sexual Assault Counselling Program/Women’s Evolve: (204) 784-4059, or email counsellingintake@klinic.mb.ca. For all other questions, medical and drop-in counselling appointments, please call our reception desk at (204) 784-4090. Our medical fax number is (204) 784-4013. Our Address is 167 Sherbrook Street in Winnipeg.