Northern Health Region – Guidelines for Visitation in Acute Care Inpatient Areas

Request for Visitation – What Do You Need to Know:

Effective June 30, 2022 visitation guidelines in Northern Health Region acute care inpatient areas have changed. 

Health facilities across the province have different physical infrastructure. The numbers of individuals permitted in each space may differ from site to site, and room to room. Sites may consider visitation in other spaces, provided physical distancing and other infection prevention and control measures can continue to be met. Presence of individuals in the room must not interfere with ability to provide clinical care and remains the priority above the allowances stated below.

Please click HERE to download the Expanded Visitor Access for Acute and Long Term Care Facilities or view below.


expanded-visitation-acute-and-pch June 2022


Northern Health Region – Guidelines for Visitation in Maternity Wards

What Do You Need to Know:

ONE SUPPORT PERSON: We are allowing one (1) support person in the room for labor, delivery and post-partum support.  This should be someone with whom Mom has been social distancing (that is, living with for the last 14 days). This person MUST COVID-19 screen negative (screening on entry to the hospital). If the Support Person screens positive, they CANNOT enter the hospital. Moms who have been living with a positive COVID-19 Support person will be treated as COVID-19 presumptive.  There are NO support persons allowed on the maternity ward for antepartum outpatient visits – they are only allowed at time of labour, delivery and postpartum.

NO RE-ENTRY: Support persons CANNOT leave hospital property after the patient has delivered. The Support person will be allowed to leave once to check out of hotel (if relevant), return with bags and car seat (if not brought on initial admission). Support persons cannot leave property for smoke breaks – if you are a smoker and need a prescription for nicotine gum please let us know

MANDATORY MASKS: Wearing of a non-medical mask during visits is required, when walking in the halls and during labour when 6 feet physical distancing cannot be maintained.

EXTERNAL FOOD: You do NOT need to bring external food. The Support person will be provided an “escort food tray” during time of admission. Support persons may bring a cooler with food for their admission if wished. Cardboard and Styrofoam are NOT allowed (this includes pizza boxes). WASH your hands before and after eating.

Name and contact information will be collected, this information will be retained solely for the purpose of Public Health contact tracing should a Covid-19 case investigation be required within a unit.

Infection Prevention and Control measures must be complied with. This includes strict hand hygiene and maintaining physical distancing.

The violation of these rules may jeopardize opportunities for future visits

Outdoor visits are not permitted at this time, due to the risk to patients and to the facility associated with unknown nature of contacts, exposure and other required safety measures

Protecting the health and well-being of your loved ones and staff remains one of our top priorities. Regular assessment by public health officials of the impact and evaluation of the need for adjusted visitor restrictions will continue as developments evolve.  Once again, thank you for your cooperation and understanding as we take every measure to protect you, your loved ones and our staff.